Just finished working on vision boards with my son. We've been threatening to do this forever, but life continued to occupy every hour of the day. I know, my "what I am thankful for this thanksgiving" blog entry is showing a up a few days later because, well, I took the time out to spend with me, my son, my home, my spirit etc. I had time to just be. What a great thing! So yes, I am thankful for having the time to sit down with my son and share each others visions in the form of a collage. I've heard people say that we should treat our lives like a business. If you live it all willy-nilly without a plan or a purpose, who knows if you will ever get to live your purpose; If you choose to have a plan and a vision for what you want your life to look like, you more than likely will get to the point where you live your very best purpose filled life. Damn I wish I had that nugget of knowledge much sooner in life... I guess what matters is that I...