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Accept the magnitude of your function...

Yes, I'm going there, I'm about quote Oprah, actually, I'm quoting Marianne Williamson's words to Oprah:

"Until you accept the magnitude of your function, Your unconscious mind will sabotage any attempt to your full magnificence.  Your self concept has to match your manifestation or else the manifestation is doomed.  

Shift your core belief about who or what you are..."

Looking back through all my previous posts, I know I've written about everything from self forgiveness to sabotage etc...All with good intentions for each reader as well as myself.  Well, if I'm really going to be honest, these posts have been more about my own personal journey as I trip through and to my highest self.  I guess I share them with you for assurance that I am not alone and my mishaps and victories are experiences so many others have had or are in the midst of having...simply put, support.

Every word I've written and action I've taken to get to know self can and will continue to evaporate with the morning dew, if I never accept my purpose/function and it's magnitude.  WOW!   

So, no matter how much I find myself verbalizing my change or  even have the opportunity to  manifest every dream in my heart, until I can accept myself in my highest form, I will constantly live in a space of self sabotage.  

I have worked hard on my inner and outer self.  I am more proud of the woman that I have become than I have been in a very long time.  I feel good about the direction I am heading in, but are my manifestations matching my true self concept?   

 Over the last few years, I lost a decent amount of weight and I felt great...The crazy par of all this is that I was feeling guilty.  Not all the people around me were on the self care page and I felt bad, like I was upstaging them.  I was uncomfortable with the positive/new attention I was receiving from men and all sorts of "you inspire me" or "because of you I'm making changes" from women. So for the last 6 or so weeks, I ate everything in sight and worked out a whole lot less.  I came up with tons of excuses to not workout and even more as to why that 2nd/3rd helping was no big deal.  10lbs. later, I'm over feeling like crap and annoyed with myself.  So why did I do this?  My self concept was not matching my manifestation...What is the solution?  Self care and acceptance of my magnitude.  Acceptance of my higher purpose.  

The upside is that I have stopped my sabotage and am working to get back on track.  I wouldn't have done that some years ago.  Hell, I wouldn't be sharing this with anyone.  I think I'm heading down the right road to this place of magnificence.  

In the meantime, I need to reinforce my core,because shift seems to be happening...


  1. Yay for shift! I am shifting also, I recently realized that I have been self sabotaging for many many years. I allowed others to make me look and feel unintelligent because I felt guilty. I did not want to make others feel bad so I allowed myself to feel bad instead. Now I realize that there is a way to move forward in life while helping others to realize their full potential as well. And now life is very good indeed.
    Ida, you have been an inspiration to me since we were kids. I am glad to hear that you are finally realizing how amazing you really are!


  2. Use a stability ball when you do your lower abdominal exercise workouts, such as the classic sit-up and crunches. This will reduce the base support, and more muscles will be put to work.


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