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Showing posts from 2014

What is Your Vision

Proverbs 29:18 If there is no vision the people will perish So what exactly does this proverb mean?  Well, simply put, a dream goal fantasy idea whatever you want to call it has to start with a feeling that turns into a thought that grows into an idea that is fed by a strong urge, which some people refer to as passion that manifests into a vision. A few definitions of vision I have found: 1. The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. 2. The mental image produced by the imagination. 3. Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight. 4. The faculty of sight 5. Something that is or has been seen. Imagine our world if Ben Franklin, MLK, Sojurner Truth,  The Wright Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Oprah, Steve Jobs...I could go on and on.  Each of these individuals had at some point or another fantacized about their achievements.  Because they decided to leave fantasy island and manifest their ideas, humanity has been ...


My mind was a little bit blown at church today!  So you know the usually songs, church hype person gets on the mic to get everyone ready for an awesome message (show).  After the hype person gets everyone's energy in a great space, then comes the moment we have all been waiting for...the anointed message as shared by one of the chosen vessels who've answered the call to preach/teach/reach/guide the masses through this beautiful/confusing/frustrating/amazing spiritual life that we've all been granted. Pastor Mark opened with quoting Matthew 7 (Ask and it shall be given - seek and ye shall find - knock and the door will be open to you.  I have heard and read this scripture at least a thousand times over the years and never truly broke it down like it was broken down for me. Ok, here is the quick and dirty of each of the three sections of what stuck with me. 1. Ask and it shall be give - Over the years I would read this line and think that I whatever God d...

You Really Like Me....

Why, of all the words and phrases that have been uttered in Oscars do Sally Field's words stay with us? "You like me, you really do like me!"   Finally feeling loved, respected and most of all validated by her peers.  Although she has stated that her words were parodied from a few lines in her movie Norma Rae, these words resonated deeply with people. It's human nature to want validation.  It's human nature to want people to like you.  It's not abnormal at all to compromise a bit of yourself to be more likable, compromise a bit of yourself to be validated. The problem comes in when you start to lose yourself in compromise.  Lose yourself in what other people feel and think about you.  It becomes a problem because now it's no longer about you, but about everyone else and what they think of you.    What starts as innocent and simple want for validation becomes a necessity.  Becomes the make you make decisions.  Becomes t...


  The longest distance in the world is from the head to the heart The head lays out the plan. Making sure to breakdown every detail of every detail of every detail.  The heart on the other takes that idea and confirms the awesomeness of the plan and tells you to GO FOR IT!  Here is the problem, at least for me;  I get a plan in my head...I get excited about it in my heart...I go back to my head and make this idea so incredibly big and unattainable that all of a sudden I feel foolish for thinking I could make this plan happen.   I mean seriously...What was I thinking?  Then my heart breaks under the weight of the deferred/missed potential.  I am amazed that I've realized any plans/ideas/dreams with this haphazard dance.  It's like walking to the edge of a diving board that you've jumped, flipped, dove off a million times, bouncing just enough to test it's buoyancy, then someone (you) says that it is way too impossible for you to jump off t...

My Daddy

My father passed on November 11.   God that was an awful day.  Hearing/reading the words that my father was dead.  I was driving to work when I heard the news.  I thought I could go on with my scheduled day without issue.  I guess that was the part of me that wasn't really willing to process it.  Just go to work and check in later in the day with the family to make sure everyone is okay.  I really wanted and needed my mom at that moment, so I called her to let her know.  I didn't expect her to breakdown as much as she did.  I expected her sweetness and love and compassion, but not her heartache.  I believe that was the point I talked to each of my siblings.  Each of them feeling the weight of the very sudden absence of our dad. I spent the next week receiving love and condolences and flowers and more love and a multitude of stories about who my father was to people.  How he affected their lives, how he helped shape who th...


I started this blog entry a good four or so months ago.  I got as far as the title of this blog entry and the words below in red.  I sat for a few hours just stuck and not able to move past the word like.  How ironic, I finally publish a book, but I had writers block and couldn't write about it. I woke up with this indescribable feeling in the pit of my belly.   It wasn't illness or pain or even butterflies...And not the anxious excited butterflies, more like Today is a new day.  Today I can share a little more about my book.  About my project, that took me an extremely long time to complete, BUT I FINALLY FINALLY DID IT! This was a passion project that wouldn't leave me alone.   So why this project?  I am a mother who realized I felt like my own story as a mother was not relevant. Having conversations with other mothers made me realize I wasn't alone in my feelings.  Eight years, multiple revisions, ridiculous amounts of fear,...


One day at a time is how life should be taken.  One moment at a time is actually what gets me through. Today was another day into the new year.  Sometimes the ending/beginning of a year can feel like a ton of pressure.  You either have to get that last bit of paperwork done before the 31st, finally complete your list of goals, get your new year goal list done, start your goals/resolutions/live up to expectations that you've set for yourself in your mind because you think that is what you are supposed to do and on and on and on and on and on....PRESSURE! One moment helps me not feel so much of that pressure.  That pressure is what is causing me to feel the way I feel right now...weighted down and foggy.  Seeing glimmers of light on occasion and having moments that feel like i'm floating on a cloud...but then my reality sets in and I fall through the cloud and land on what feels like a field of light bulbs.  One moment at a time.  That's what's working...

HAPPY 2014...

Hi everyone! It's been forever, I know.  Extreme writers block and maybe life lobbing a whole lotta lemons my way. So here I am icing my bruises from those lemons.  Here's the thing, 2013 has brought a ton a beautiful/powerful "OMG" moments that have helped me realize some of my own strengths and potential.  It's just that sometimes its REALLY hard to celebrate life when someone you love is struggling through it.  It's hard to enjoy my life when someone I love has passed away.  The one who struggling is my mother and the one who has passed on is my father.  The people who are responsible for my existence.  My heart is struggling to feel really good and whole again. I am grateful for my son, because he gives me the motivation I need to get up and function through these challenging times.  I am blessed to have family and friends because this road would be even more intense.  I will breathe through it all and reflect on the great moments. T...