Life is what you make it. I've learned that through so many lessons and in so many ways over the years. Most of those lessons i've learned have been from the women in my life. Some have been my ride or die homies who have mothered me through whatever emotional or physical trauma I was experiencing to the random momma stranger on the street who's momma . It was these moments that made me understand the importance of my circle of women. I'm so thankful for the many times I was emotionally rescued by these surrogate mothers in my life also known as my friends, my sisters, my aunties, my co-workers, my son's friend's moms, my friend's moms, and at the top of that mom . Women who had no obligation to my healing. They simply were expressing their mother-nature, an extremely challenging emotion to avoid. It's like an impulse...much like child birth when it comes time for a woman to push, it is an impulse that women cannot stop the...