First I'd like to send all my prayers and energy to all the folks affected by the crazy storms that are making a GRAND statement. I pray that folks come out of this stronger and better.
Secondly and the focus of today's post is to ask the question...Inspired by the sights and sounds I've encountered this Halloween week; I'm fascinated with how people choose to express themselves on this day when all rules go out the window. Men dressed as women dressed as men dressed as animals dressed as dinosaurs dressed as celebrities dressed as hobos dressed as...I think for some people it's an opportunity to be someone/thing that would otherwise be unacceptable. I guess for others it's just fun an opportunity to show the world their creative genius with ideas or how they pulled off those ideas.
Oh yea, my question... If you could dress up your life, what would it be? What would it look like? Is there a person it would resemble? Don't hold back, fantasize! Visualize big!
I think Halloween could be a wonderful lesson for life. Don't be afraid to go for it! Dress your life up!
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