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The Journey to My Voice

Nourish, Nurture, Sustain, Build...Mother's Milk..

It has come to my attention that more often than not, women, mothers in particular have no idea the power they wield. We have no idea how our internal voice sounds. I realize that I am one of those women who has for so long disregarded my own power and strength and has lived in deafening silence for way to long. This month, I am on a journey to really connect with my inner strength and find my voice.

About 6 years ago, I came up with Mother's Milk after my son questioned who I was outside of being his mother. I was taken aback by his question because I could not answer it. That hurt me more than I could imagine. I lost myself on my journey and didn't realize it until my son unwittingly pointed it out to me. I asked other mothers the same question and was met with the same stunned silence that I had expressed to my son.
I asked a variety of mothers to write their mother stories. Why? Besides not knowing who they were, mothers also didn't feel that their personal stories to and through motherhood were nothing special. It's been a labor of love, but i was finally able to get 12 stories, including my own that are waiting to be published and serve a few purposes: 1. Give the mom's who wrote these stories a voice 2. Raise money for orphans in Zimbabwe 3. Inspire other mothers/women to embrace their voice. Great right?! The challenge - This mother (me) is working to strengthen her own voice.

So going back to the beginning of this entry, I am taking this month to strengthen my voice so I can make this book happen as well as other projects that will help mothers. Bear with me as i stumble through this. My goal is to write everyday. In my writing I will deal with how I am working to Nourish, Nurture, Sustain and Build my voice. So here I am with day one's entry.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Beautiful!!!! You are a wonderfully prolific writer and I am excited to hear more of your voice (regularly). Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world :-)

  2. Thank you so much Niambi! You are part of the inspiration


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