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Failure is Not Final

Such a simple statement, yet so profound, life changing even. A simple statement a co worker of mine made while sharing a story about his son who, by the way was telling his dad how that simple statement he made to him years prior was what seemed to always bring him back to his center.

Failure is not final...So I get up everyday and do what I am supposed to do - wake up, shower, dress, make sure my kid is showered, dressed, fed and prepared for the day ahead, while I do the same for work. That is what i'm supposed to do. Yup, a run-on sentence that defines my day to day life of what is supposed to be. It's easy to do this daily dance because I am supposed to; the world expects it, so it is easy to fulfill. Failure is not really an option - I'm expected to work and be a mother. It's the responsible thing to do.

So let's discuss what I yearn to do, my personal expectations and make that simple statement...failure is not final...Why has getting to that finish line of projects A-Z been so elusive, so challenging? Why have I felt like every time God has given me some amazing gift to water and grow, I've let it die or given it away since God obviously made a mistake in choosing me for this journey, I obviously wasn't worthy of the gift? So I dropped the ball...Failed.

I have failed, over and over again. Failed because I felt unworthy, dumb, silly, terrified or simply didn't care. I failed. Let me take it even further, not only did I feel like I failed, but people around me that knew me and loved me saw my failures and confirmed my feelings with looks of "Oh Ida, why can't you just get it."

I am openly writing about this because I am embracing the idea that my failures have not been final. Truth be told, they have taken me deep into my head and heart exposing pieces of me that had long been stuffed down. My failures have brought me to my knees forcing me seek guidance from my higher strength. My failures have caused me to realize my worst critics, outside of myself, and my greatest supporters including myself. Hell, according to society my son was my most colossal failure. He was conceived out of wedlock therefore throwing me into the unredeemable black, single mom. Yet, this so called "failure" of mine has been the catalyst for so many successes in my life.

The fact is, my failures, I am starting to truly realize are far from final. My failures have been my stepping stones creating a bridge to my truest self.

Failure is not final...

Nourish Nurture Sustain & Build ~ Mother's Milk


  1. WOW, what a powerful, encouraging, amazing blog! While many lines stood out for me I love this one the best:
    "My failures have been my stepping stones creating a bridge to my truest self." YOU GO GIRL continue on this AWESOME journey to your truest self because eventually those who mind they won't matter so much and those who matter will support you because we don't mind at all!


  2. You have always inspired me. Whenever I think about what kind of person I want to grow into I think about you. Failures come and go but the truth is, you are already the person you are striving to be. You are already there inside. Your nature is golden. You have always been a person of great compassion and love towards others. Your son knows this. He sees it everyday. Deep down you know it too. You are where you are supposed to be at this moment. To me you are a guide. When I feel lost I think about you and what you might do in the same situation. Thank you for being my guide. You are a wonderful, talented & intelligent woman and an amazing friend.

  3. @Yanni, thank you so much for your input. I am glad that you are enjoying this. Thank you for mattering.

    @ Nana, you always bring me back to center. you make me remember myself. I go back to childhood when I think of you. Thank you for seeing where I am an knowing. I see the same growth in you as well. You are strong and beautiful. I am a mirror of you in many ways

  4. Posting for Mama M

    I wrote a answer but could not get into posting it. I kept getting rejected so here goes;
    Failure is success. I am much older than you so I have many more failures and each and every one is a success. What you do with a failure is what makes it a success. What you learn from a failure makes it a success. DO NOT EVER CONSIDER your child as you failure. My children are my biggest success. Even my failed marriages have each taught me something and there was some success in them. Life is a learning process. If we do not fail we do not learn. So failure is success. I think we have all met someone who has not failed ( in their mind). They are stagnated. They don't move up and on. One who does not fail is a very sad person.
    feel free to post this as Mama M

  5. hello!
    i continue to love your blog.
    if you are interested in collaboration or developing a more dynamic support system please email me. i don't know what that collaboration or support system would look like, but i would like to get the communication and ideas flowing.

  6. by the way,
    this is my business blog:


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